Shooting A Web Series For Richter Publishing

One of our most recent video production projects was shooting a web series called “Publishing In Paradise” for Clearwater book publishing company Richter Publishing. The multi camera setup web series would feature six author interviews from Richter Publishing. Tara Richter, President of Richter Publishing would be conducting the sit down interviews with the authors as they talked about the process of writing their book and many other interesting topics.

The six authors that were interviewed by Tara for “Publishing In Paradise” were:

R.C. Otovic – Q: Snippets from a Rideshare Driver
Jarron Webster – Millennial Marriages: A Military Relationship
George Trowbridge – Striking Eight Bells: A Vietnam Memoir
Alder Allensworth – Prevail: Celebrate the Journey
Steve Gavatorta – In Defense of Adversity: Turning Your Toughest Challenges into Your Greatest Success
Ashley Shayne Pierce – Things They Fail to Tell You During Pregnancy: A Quick Guide and Insight


Watch the “Publishing In Paradise” web videos online in their entirety on the Richter Publishing YouTube page.

For more information on the Richter Publishing authors, please visit